Secure and Swift: A Proactive Approach to Defend Lightweight Key Exchange Mechanisms Against Replay, Masquerade, and Message Forgery Attacks in Cloud-IoT Communication

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Gaikwad Vidya Shrimant, K. Ravindranath


The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly advanced, making it feasible to connect numerous embedded devices to the internet for data sharing. Since the embedded devices have limited power, storage, and processing capacity, it is necessary to integrate embedded devices with a big resource pool, like the cloud. This technological integration is anticipated to bring about a remarkable expansion in the present and future exciting uses of IoT. Security concerns such as device data privacy and authentication are important ones in this regard. The goal of the current study is to develop a lightweight key establishment for safe mutual authentication system for cloud servers and the Internet of Things. Lightweight key establishment are used in our approach for authentication, while advanced encryption standard is used for confidentiality and integrity. The suggested plan achieves efficiency in performance analysis as well as security aspects including confidentiality, integrity, and authentication in security analysis. Proposed mechanism additionally, does an informal analysis and comparison of the security attributes, including replay attack, masquerade attack, message forgery attack.

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