LDQKDPB: Unbreakable Network Security via Long-Distance Quantum Key Distribution Enhanced by Post-Quantum Techniques and Blockchain

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Manish K.Hadap, Nisha wankhade, Suresh Kurumbanshi, Vyankateshwar G. Girhepunje, S.S. Bawankule, Arvind R. Bhagat Patil


In the realm of network security, the quest for impervious defense has led to the integration of cutting-edge technologies, resulting in an innovative framework aptly named Unbreakable Network Security. This paper introduces a holistic approach that seamlessly combines three formidable pillars of cybersecurity: Long-Distance Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Post-Quantum Techniques, and Blockchain technology process. This unified framework is engineered to not only withstand the prevalent Sybil, Masquerading, Finney, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks but also to elevate network performance on multiple fronts. Through rigorous experimentation and analysis, the authors demonstrate that their implementation of this framework yields remarkable advantages over existing quantum models. Specifically, it achieves a substantial 10.5% reduction in network delay, a noteworthy 19.4% decrease in energy consumption, and a commendable 8.5% enhancement in throughput. These findings illuminate the pressing limitations of conventional security paradigms, which struggle to defend against the evolving landscape of cyber threats, especially those posed by quantum computing operations. Conversely, the proposed method harnesses the intrinsic properties of quantum mechanics, combines them with post-quantum cryptographic resilience, and fortifies the network's integrity through blockchain integration. This innovative amalgamation represents a significant leap forward in securing communication networks, preserving data confidentiality, and ensuring the availability of critical services.. Its impacts extend beyond safeguarding sensitive information; they empower organizations to navigate the tumultuous cybersecurity landscape with confidence and resilience levels.

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