Periodic Behaviour of General Systems

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L. Praveen Kumar, Vajha Srinivasa Kumar


A continuous function on the product of compact metric spaces to itself and back to the same space is known as a genera system. Where each element's orbit is an infinite sequence and where the first two elements are the same as given and next to it depends on the two elements prior to it form stronger conditions for the orbit. We could define an m-step dynamical system by extending the definition of a compact metric space to its m-times product. Because the system's current state frequently depends directly on the conditions of previous terms, this system appears more realistic. The basic theorems regarding periodic points and their related points, such as fixed point, limit points, recurrent points, will be proved in this paper. We also define the topological transitivity and its properties. In the end we find periodic points with periods one and two for affine maps and periodicity of tent map in dynamical system and generalised dynamical system.

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