Experimental Analysis of Mechanical Tests on a Plate Composed of Banana Fibre

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Rohit Jadhao, Vijayshri Mahobiya, Prasad Baban Dhore, Roundal Vijay Baburao, Gorane Prathamesh Sudhakar, Vijaykumar Javanjal, Mangesh Kale, Pranav Charkh


Due to their attractive characteristics, natural and synthetic fibre - reinforced hybrid composite materials are playing a prominent role in science. Innovators are now being drawn to the poor world to create new sustainable and environment products and materials focused on environmental objectives. Natural fibre has a number of advantageous qualities, including low density, non-toxicity, and minimal comparability in strengths, minimal waste disposal issues, and inexpensive cost. This study presents the experimental analysis of mechanical tests performed on a plate composed of banana fiber. The mechanical properties, including tensile strength, flexural strength, and compression strength, were evaluated to assess the performance and potential applications of the banana fibre plate. The experimental tests were conducted following standard testing procedures specified by ASTM. The results obtained provide valuable insights into the mechanical behavior of the banana fibre plate and contribute to the understanding of its suitability for various engineering applications. 

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