Design of Software Reliability Prediction using Radial Basis Function Networks with Nonlinear Analysis and Topological Considerations

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R. Josphineleela, B. Neelu, P. G Banupriya, M. Sunil Kumar, Rajendiran M, Durgaprasad Navulla


This study presents a thorough methodology for predicting software reliability by employing Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFNs). By using machine learning methodologies such as Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFNs), software development teams are enabled to make well-informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and proactively mitigate potential dependability concerns. Consequently, this results in improved software quality and heightened customer happiness. This methodology involves multiple stages, starting with data collection and preprocessing. We assemble a comprehensive dataset comprising historical software performance metrics, defect reports, and relevant development process information. After data cleansing and feature engineering, we split the dataset into training, validation, and testing subsets. The core of this approach lies in the construction and training of RBFNs. These neural networks consist of an input layer, a hidden layer with radial basis functions, and an output layer. The architecture parameters, particularly the number of hidden neurons and the spread parameter of the radial basis functions, are optimized through a systematic hyperparameter tuning process using the validation dataset. Upon achieving an optimal model configuration, we rigorously evaluate the RBFN predictive capabilities using the testing dataset.

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