Nonlinear Analysis and Topological Approaches towards a Deep Intelligent Framework for Privacy Assurance of Autonomous IoT Systems

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S. Chandra Sekaran, Natarajan C, Esakkiammal S, Faiz Akram, Getachew Mamo Wegari, Durgaprasad Navulla


The proliferation of autonomous Internet of Things (IoT) systems powered by deep learning and artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era of data-driven convenience and automation. However, this innovation comes hand in hand with heightened concerns regarding data privacy. This paper presents a comprehensive framework for Privacy Assurance in Autonomous IoT Systems (PAIS), which amalgamates cutting-edge technologies and best practices to safeguard individual privacy in the era of pervasive connectivity and autonomous decision-making. The PAIS framework comprises multifaceted strategies to address privacy challenges in autonomous IoT ecosystems. It leverages advanced encryption techniques, robust access control mechanisms, and anonymization protocols to ensure data confidentiality. Moreover, differential privacy mechanisms are deployed to protect the identities of individuals within data streams. An innovative aspect of PAIS is the integration of AI-driven privacy monitoring, which constantly evaluates data for potential breaches and triggers immediate responses when anomalies are detected. Ensuring regulatory compliance is a paramount facet of the PAIS framework, as it aligns with evolving data protection regulations globally. Users are afforded control and transparency through intuitive interfaces, enabling them to manage their data usage preferences effectively. The ethical implications of AI in privacy preservation are also examined within the framework, emphasizing the importance of fairness and bias mitigation. PAIS promotes a privacy-by-design approach, where privacy considerations are integral to the inception and development of IoT systems. Regular risk assessments are performed to identify potential privacy vulnerabilities, ensuring that the framework adapts to emerging threats. Education and training programs are provided to stakeholders to foster awareness and adherence to privacy best practices.

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